Dear Users,

INSTANFT LIMITED (“IntentWallet” or “we”) respects and protects the privacy of Users (“you” or “Users”). IntentWallet will collect and use your Personal Information, generated from your use of IntentWallet, in accordance with this Privacy Policy (“Policy”).

IntentWallet recommends that you shall carefully read and understand the whole contents of this Policy before your use of the product (“IntentWallet”). Additionally, significant information including the Disclaimer is in bold form in this Policy. Definitions of key words in this Policy are consistent with those in the IntentWallet Terms of Service of IntentWallet.

IntentWallet reserves the right to update this Policy online from time to time, and the new policy will immediately replace the older one once posted. In particular, if you do not accept the revised policies, please immediately stop your use of IntentWallet. Your continuous use of IntentWallet will be regarded as your acceptance of the revised policy. Furthermore, the revised policies will take into effect immediately upon being posted on IntentWallet.

You acknowledge and accept that this Policy and other relevant rules apply to IntentWallet and the Apps owned by IntentWallet on IntentWallet.

Information We Collect

We collect your information in order to provide the services you requested on IntentWallet, and we highly value the protection for your privacy. We strictly abide by the principle of “lawful, justifiable and necessary” during our collection of your information. You acknowledge that, if you do not provide us with necessary information, your user experiences on IntentWallet may be influenced.

1.1 We may collect your Personal Information, including but not limited to your mobile device information, operation records, transaction records and wallet addresses.

1.2 In order to satisfy your needs for specific services, we may collect your name, bank card number, telephone number, email address etc.

1.3 Apart from the foregoing provisions, when you are using specific function of IntentWallet, we may give you special notification to ask for more Personal Information. Your objection to provide more information will be regarded as your choice not to use this specific function of IntentWallet.

1.4 After you link to the third-party-developed Apps from IntentWallet, your Personal Information will be collected and held by the third-party-developed Apps instead of being collected or held by IntentWallet.

1.5 To the extent permitted by laws and regulations, IntentWallet may collect and use following Personal Information without your prior consent or authorization:

a. information related to national security and national defense;

b. information related to public security, public health, significant public interests;

c. information related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and enforcement;

d. the Personal Information collected is publicized by yourself;

e. the Personal Information is collected from legally publicly disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure and other channels;

f. the Personal Information is necessary to maintain the security and compliance of services, such as to detect or to solve the malfunction of products and services;

g. other circumstances prescribed by laws and regulations.

1.6 We collect information in the following ways: